Monday, July 02, 2007

My greatest fear....

Ok - so this really isn't my greatest fear. Not by a long shot.

But I have no idea why potty training my children, or even just the notion of undertaking the training, is testing every nerve I've ever had. We have attempted to potty train Will before, only to be met with severe resistance over it. Of course all Doctors say not to force the we backed off.

Well he's been showing signs that he is ready - but I am not showing any signs that I am ready to do this! In fact, as I type this he is sitting here watching his potty movie that he picked out. This movie sure isn't inspiring's basically a bathroom musical with songs like:

'Doin The Potty Dance'
'Me Potty Wotty'
'I'm a Hottie for the Potty'
'I've Gotta Go'

And what is most humorous about it to me is that it really doesn't show potty time, but rather a group of kids (all WAY past potty training age) dancing to the potty songs. Hilarious! I'd like to know if the person who choreographed this actually put it down on his/her resume.

At least it is taking the edge off my nerves...I just don't want to start this and have him back out of it. We have such a busy summer and then he starts preschool in the fall - so it just feels like this would be the best time.

It's so funny - I have done many things in my life that have pushed me out of my comfort zone, emotionally, intellectually, personally...but I haven't felt this apprehensive about something for a long time!

This is the kind of stuff that makes me long for the days when I worked sixty to seventy hours a least in that crazy world my apprehension didn't involve pee-pee and poo-poo and a three year-old's emotions!

Well, wish us luck!


TJ said...

hahahahahaha!!!!! potty training is the worst week of your life. but i already told you that.

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

Week? LOL.

I went through this too, feeling that my daughter was ready, but that I wasn't. Then I got up my gumption and started it, only to realize that while physically she's completely ready, emotionally she wasn't. Now she's doing really well, but there's still an emotional barrier that we need to get through before its going to completely "click" with #2.

Freud was right on this one.